Divine Mercy Centre

Establishment and place of worship at 2258 2nd Concession Dalhousie, Lanark, ON K0G 1K0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Divine Mercy Centre: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Establishment   Place of worship  

2258 2nd Concession Dalhousie
Ontario K0G 1K0
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About divinemercycentre.com

Divine Mercy Centre and Apostolate - spiritual retreat, pilgrimages and Divine Mercy education.
The Canadian Divine Mercy Centre and Apostolate website provides information on the Divine Mercy Devotion, guest house and retreat services and links to online Catholic resources.
Divine Mercy, Divine Mercy Centre, Lanark, Faustina, Jesus I trust in you, divinemercy.com, stations of the cross, divinemercycenter.com, pilgrimage, divinemercycentre.com, prayer, chaplet, devotion, Catholic, rays, retreat, religion